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Times have been busy lately.

I am currently collecting stories and content for OUTSIDE THE BOX - I am also considering a little meet-up in Zug around a cup of coffee and a Zuger Kirschtorte with those who have nicely left a little word on the homepage. Fasnacht (i.e. the ongoing carnaval) has also kept me and my family busy as we left for the weekend to check the Brezelsegen (the pretzel blessing, where 25,000 bretzels are shared with the crowd with the condition to sing the Hoorig Katz song) in hubby's hometown. And of course I am still looking for a job, so applications need as much attention as the articles here...

So for today I leave you here with the amazing picture of Starman "on its journey to Mars orbit and then the Asteroid Belt" (Elon Musk). Hubby and I watched last week the launch of SpaceX Falcon Heavy and the way back of its side boosters which landed perfectly simultaneously. We had popcorn, beer and chocolate, and we agreed we were watching a piece of space history as well as an engineering wonder. One can of course criticize the fact that a car was sent to waste in outer space; commentors on social media noticed the lack of sensors which could have brought critical information regarding space and Marsian exploration. But this launch brought another level to space transportation and strategies, where spacecrafts or energy sources can be optimized to be safely re-used. Borders of what mankind could reach are one more time pushed. And when the boosters landed together under a blue sky, it was just...beautiful.

Have a lovely week! xxx pic: SpaceX live coverage of Starman

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