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It is not often I can actually sit down and read a little, especially something inspiring. So when I caught a few minutes for myself in the tram, I opened the latest issue of Esprit, a French book of news essays covering various topics (politics, cultural and social studies). Issue nr. 441 covers "Les mondes de l'écologie" (the faces of ecology) and brings up differents authors, experts, politicians,... to discuss the various aspects of the ongoing fight for a better world.

And while I normally pick a relaxing novel rather than a serious read, this one has been entirely refreshing, giving me the chance to discover inspiring, yet critical voices about our world and what needs to be done to reach the right path.

The quotation on the left is one of the inspiring sentences I have noted, especially as I believe it can apply to a lot more than political and environmental concerns and themes. The author, Delphine Batho, is a French Socialist Party politician and used to be France's minister of ecology, sustainable development, and energy between 21 June 2012 and 2 July 2013. With the time I have been spending abroad I have taken my distance with French politics; but reading her interview has been so refreshing I want to keep a closer eye to new faces and voices.

What is your one quote/book/author that gives you hope and motivation?

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