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A while ago I had shared our love for the Spielplatz Schattwaldli on the Zugerberg; here are now a few words on Hochwacht, which is the top of the hill that separates the Zug and Unterageri valleys in an impressively nice-looking way.

If you come up with your car to park, you will find the way up to the hill by following the tree line up on your left; enter the field and follow the way. Coming from the Zugerberg train, walk up to reach the main crossroad, go left and pass the farms (make a quick stop to cuddle the calves they'll happily welcome a scratch or two), the way will be on your right.

Nothing complex as a mini hike, there are even benches if you and your little ones would need a break. However you should not need more than 15 mn to reach the "summit" which is marked by a lovely tree, an informative panoramic platform and a bench to enjoy the view.

And surely, what a view!

On the left, Zug and the Zugersee - on the right, Unterägeri and the Agerisee

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