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Fashion and Sustainability


While job opportunities do not especially go in the direction I wish they would, they always allow me to go the extra mile and get informed about things that seem obvious, but that are not.

(dramatic drumroll for this awfully-generic introduction - but let me explain).

Doing homework on a job role and a company is a first step. But looking at related learning opportunities generally stops as the generic "no" reply reaches your inbox.

So until I can identify a stronger professional training I wish to join, I always look at available in-person and online classes that can let me use my time in a constructive and critical way. For instance, when moving to Zug, I took an online class on Coursera on urban mobility which allowed me to assess my habits and practices and looking at my surroundings with a specific lense I had never used before. Fair enough, such free courses do not provide you with a professional certificate, nor will they give you all the skills you need to handle to be proficient in a certain position or industry. However, they keep you positively busy and provide good 101 introductions to topics you might want to investigate further.

For the past weeks I have been following an online course on Fashion and Sustainability: Understanding Luxury Fashion in a Changing World developed and delivered by the London College of Fashion’s Centre for Sustainable Fashion, and available for free on Future Learn. With videos, articles and podcasts, the content is easy to follow and it allows you through a discussion forum and little self-centered exercises (e.g. what are the issues that are most relevant to your own context) to move forward at your own pace.

If this is a topic you are interested in, this 6-weeks long course touches upon critical aspects of design, production and consumption of the fashion industry around 8 critical issues: conumption & waste, wellbeing, modern day slavery, water stress, diminishing resources, climate change, land uuse & biodiversity loss and hazardous chemicals & pollution.

PS: the 2 pics are CC0 pictures, found by typing "fashion" - difficult in the context of copyright-free pics to find illustration of an industry that do not depict a woman with hundreds of colourful bags or posing with a thick layer of make-up and/or a duck face.

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