While there is still some time before the event itself, this one is especially close to my heart as I worked for the green building industry over the past years and supported the organization of such information and action campaigns locally.
Please mark your calendars:
On week of 24-30 September, we will celebrate World Green Building Week under the theme "Home Green Home".
Knowing that we can spend in average up to 90% of our time indoors (home, work, school...) it is especially critical to ensure that the space we live/work/study in is healthy, comfortable and environmentally-friendly. Do you want to learn more about what can be done easily to make your building/your house/your office/your school/your praying centre/your hotel... (pick the one.s that is.are most relevant to you) more sustainable?
Click here to access resources from the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC), the global organization launching the campaign each year.

How can you contribute to the Green Building Week 2018?
- Join the movement online using #homegreenhome and #WGBW2018 when posting on social media.
- Look at the series of Q&A's developed on the occasion to better understand why and how we should care of our homes. Share what you learn with your relatives, friends and colleagues and see what could be improved where you live or work.
- WorldGBC invites you to take a pledge towards sustainable change and share your commitment online. A few examples are provided:
I pledge to cut my energy use by 20% over a year. That’s my #HomeGreenHome promise.
I’m going to tell my work colleagues about #WGBW2018 over a lunch and learn. That’s my #HomeGreenHome promise.
I’m switching all my light bulbs to LEDs. That’s my #HomeGreenHome promise.
I’m going to turn the thermostat down and save energy and money. That’s my #HomeGreenHome promise.
- Use and share the "How to get involved" Guide. There a still a few weeks to end of September, giving you the summer to think and plan a few ideas: a workshop with your office with consultants, a drawing or picture competition in your school, a little assessment of your house with your kids...