The frequent readers will know that I have made waste, especially paper waste, one of my little fights. Over the past weeks I wrote a few articles already regarding the absurd amount of papers in all shapes that I have been receiving in my mailbox related to the coming elections in the canton.
Let me tell you it got even more absurd:
Apart from a never-ending flow of flyers, including on Sundays, we also all received a cloth to clean glasses at the name of one of the local candidates. From all the times I have seen her face now in the newspapers or on an increasing number of boards that have been placed on roads and even in the fields, it seems that her glasses are her physical trademark. Hence the cloth. As much as I will actually use mine, I have seen on the same evening a bunch of them straight in the trash, or worst, on the floor.
If I could vote, the disgusting amount of things we receive and the amount of times I have seen candidates' faces in the shape of waste would be a clear factor for NOT electing them.
A reader of one of the local newspapers, the Zuger Presse, wrote that he checked the weight of the election envelope received from the city with all programs and candidates' presentations.
461g of paper per household.
As I wanted to do already earlier, I then prepared the following little text that I also sent to the same local newspapers who sadly contribute to this waste.
This is what I wrote (here in English, but I translated into German so that chances are higher to be released):
Dear candidates,
Last week a reader checked the weight of your programs that we all received by postmail. 461g, he said. On my side I counted the number of paper pages that were received this day, along with more political flyers, free newspapers and unsolicited advertisement, despite my "Bitte Keine Werbung" sticker.
The waste is here, and it would drastically be reduced if local authorities like the ones to be elected would play a stronger role towards environmental protection.
We all go to the Ökihof to discard paper waste, yet elections are increasing the problem (shall we mention flyers received multiple times, banners set wildly in the streets or in the fields, and even glasses cloth ending up in the bin?!).
I would love to know the candidates’ position about this waste and what they plan to do once elected.