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Too Good To Go teams up with Migros


In February OUTSIDE THE BOX was testing Too Good To Go, the now-international app that prevents food waste by selling mystery food baskets at a discounted price, and using your location to identify which shops are participating in the process.

Since the beginning of the year it seems that the app has peaked and increased its presence locally.

Big retailers such as Migros have teamed up with the app end of October to share baskets for 4,90 CHF only 30mn before closing down in the evening (click on the pics to enlarge them). Karma, the healthy shop attached to COOP, seems to be onboard as well along the restaurants and bakeries in town.

These baskets are comprised of products that should be eaten immediately such as baked goods, dairy items, sandwiches and salads.

At the moment, only the Schweizerhof Luzern, Metalli Zug and Hitkirch shops are part of the app, but the cooperation should increase its scope in 2019.

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