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Confinement - Week 2


While other countries are imposing a strict lockdown, "Italian-style", Switzerland seems to take it easy in comparison. But please do not get me wrong: things are taken seriously here as the sanitary urgency require; we are just still allowed to go out and get fresh air as a family, which in other countries is totally forbidden.

Week 2 is working the same way as Week 1: as much as we can we take advantage of the outdoors, while we try to reinvent our rythms and activities without compromising our work productivity. Going out is always a great ground to learn, and ask, and discuss: unfortunately homework at home has failed after 10 minutes, it has been challenging to fight the appeal of cartoons, stories and creative play.

We have visited the neighbour farms again and shopped for fresh items to support their business, with stricter rules applying to social distancing (max. 2-3 people in the Hofladen for instance) and hygiene. We have met also less people than usual, and I was pleased to see a change on our playground as it has remained fairly empty at last (maybe freezing temperatures help, but who cares after all).

OUTSIDE THE BOX might work on a slower pace, though. Our shifts between work and childcare seem to work quite well, but man they are exhausting and at the end of the day I am crashing. I would love to go deeper in the virus topic, as amazing data already show positive impacts of lockdowns policies on emissions and pollutions, biodiversity and more. I would love to share input on the book I am currently trying to read (progressing a few pages at a time before falling asleep on it). I would love to share with you what I am testing at the moment in terms of zero-waste products and practices.

But be patient, this will come when we have found a right energy and time balance in these weird times of ours.

Stay safe all, stay at home, love yourselves and take care of each other.


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