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Earth Day 2020


Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, one of the many international days during which we should reflect on the impact of our activities on the planet.

This year, the event goes under the "climate action” theme: while managing the impact of covid19 on our lives and businesses and keeping safety and health at heart, more than ever we need to stay focused on the protection of our ecosystems and the management of our CO2 emissions if we want to leave a healthier planet to the next generation.

Last year we shared the video of the awesome song Earth - do not miss the chance again for some loving fun.

This year OUTSIDE THE BOX is sharing another video, "one that plants trees", from Treedom, an organization allowing you to plant and monitor the growth of your trees throughout the globe. For the secod year in a row, Treedom has committed to plant one tree for each 1000 views of the video. It is short, it is good, and it is helping green our world.

So, click, view and share!


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