Save the date this year again to join the Films for the Earth Festival - Filme fur die Erde Festival, 9th edition taking place on Friday 20 September in Switzerland, Germany and Lichtenchtein.
Click here to access the Festival's 2019 program, selection of movies and locations throughout the country celebrating the event.
LIke the past years, the Festival calls for sustainability enthusiasts to gather and discover the many opportunities to work for a more sustainable society via movies, discussions and exhibitions from local associations. The chosen movies will all deal with biodiversity, waste management, and our impact and responsibility as human beings, consumers...towards our one and only planet Earth. However, outside the scope of the Festival, the website of the organization also provides an amazing list of movies and documentaries dealing with environmental protection.
In Zug, the event will take place in Freiruum - free entrance - with the following agenda from morning to late at night:
08.30 - 09.30: Die verrückte Welt der Hörnchen* 10.00 - 11.00: Wilde Nächte* 12.15 - 13.30: Lunchkino mit den besten Kurzfilmen des Jahres 14.00 - 15.30: Youth Unstoppable* 16.00 - 17.30: Honeyland 18.00 - 19.30: The Biggest Little Farm 20.00 - 22.00: Serengeti Rules, Hauptfilm ab 22.15 Uhr Bio-Apéro für alle
Movies marked with a * are dedicated to schools who will then receive access priority.

For more information regarding the 2019 edition:
Films for the Earth, official website: https://filmsfortheearth.org/en (more information are available in German regarding the various event locations and programs)
Facebook Event invitation to the sessions in Freiruum, Zug.