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Letters to our Legacy


Sara and I met totally randomly in Zugerland (one of the shopping centers around Zug) as our sons clicked over a toy helicopter in the mall's lobby. Over time we kept bumping happily into each other, until Sara left back to the UK with her family after a few years in Switzerland for a "let's-go-back-home" fresh start.

With a friend of hers, Natalie, she started the Letters to our Legacy project as a "modern twist on a traditional time capsule".

The plan aims "to capture a snapshot of life in 2020 and share it with future generations": Everyone is invited to start a dialogue by submitting a letter (max. 1000 words) giving insights of your life in the 21st century.

Sara and Natalie expect then share the collected letters with an official oganization able to archive the texts and share them back two or three generations away from us as letters from the past.

While I understand everyone can write, the project especially invites women to share a piece of their life, as a the most critical witnesses of a changing world.

Their target is ambitioud: they wish to collect 200 letters by the end of March 2020.

To support this meaningful project I have asked them to share a few words about Letters to our Legacy and explain what you can do to take part and why this is important.

Natalie pushed her boundaries and shared the below video.




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