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More littering in Zug because of Corona?


This is the way the Luzerner Zeitung introduced a clear fact about our lovely city of Zug: it has become somehow dirtier over the past months, especially if you venture next to the Zugersee lake on a Saturday or Sunday morning.

Let's be clear: the reason why the streets and squares are dirty is not Corona - it is people's stupidity and laziness to manage their trash.

I mean, seriously, look at the picture here: there is a bin literally 5 meters away! And surprisingly enough, the most waste we removed when attending the WWF cleanup session a month ago was actually next to the bins. Try to find the logic here (spoiler alert: there is none and it makes me so angry).

There has been a clear increase in pollution related to the single-use masks and gloves who end their life in our oceans. Again, this has not been brought up by Corona: this has been brought up by people who do not have any respect for their community, for the environment.

I took this into practice, as I was feeling desperate to see masks on the ground. I made it a little experience on a Saturday afternoon to walk to the lake and back, which would represent max. 4km. And on the way I counted how many disposable masks I would find.

This day I found 8.

I have to admit I expected more, as I already had seen more within a shorter distance, especially on work days as people are obliged to wear one to commute in public transports.

Fair enough one or two might have fallen by mistake out of a pocket the same way a tissue does.

But does that make it any better? I dont think so.

So yes, we need to be mindful of the virus. Yes, we need to take care of each other. But can we make it, minding our environment? I would think so. I would hope so. It seems not many agree.

1 commentaire

1 commentaire

Virginie Marty
Virginie Marty
20 oct. 2020

« Puisque c’est la fin du monde, pourquoi s’embêter à jeter les déchets dans la poubelle ? ». Peut-être que les gens se disent ça. 🤔 Ça n’a rien à voir, ou presque, mais dans mon village allemand, des gens ont dégradé le square... Avec des graffitis ! Sur les réseaux sociaux, dans le journal, sur Whatsapp, tout le monde en parlait, réclamant une dénonciation sur la place publique avec une prime pour tout indice concernant les coupables.

Revenons à nos moutons : Devons-nous punir sévèrement les contrevenants jettent leurs masques ? Ou faire une campagne de sensibilisation ? 🤔🤔

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