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Nike Space Hippie Collection - This is Trash

At OUTSIDE THE BOX we have been looking at the fashion industry with some serious grumpy eyes - as consumer of this fashion on a daily basis, and a victim of green marketing trying to sell you so-called sustainable apparel while punching the planet and its people hard. Fast fashion has been a clear target of complaints: a lot of big words, a lot of nice attempts to "green" the textile supply chain, and yet continuous scandals regarding the awful treatment of the brands' workers throughout the world.

One thing however that has been interesting to observe is the development from global brands of new sneakers made in recycling materials. We talked already about the Adidas Parley collection entirely made from upcycled plastic interecepted from the oceans. We also made an entire article about Adidas futurecraft.loop, Reebok Forever Floatride Grow and Thaely. This time Nike joins the dance with its Space Hippie - This is Trash collection.

While Adidas Parley looked at the Oceans as the source of inspiration, Nike Space Hippie has been using Mars and the lack of materials one would have on the red planet to explain the sneakers' design. The 3 series of shoes consist in minimum 45% of recycled materials, and can surely say that the look itself is subject to personal preferences....The packaging remains also minimalist to preven unnecessary plastic.

Have a look at the below video to learn more about the shoes and get direct feedback from some sneakers specialists (yes, this exist on YouTube!).



Some brands do not seem to have direct contractual agreement with these factories, but have not been looking at their second/third-tier suppliers, making them indirectly responsible for the current human right disaster going on in China.

We obviously condemn the situation and want to confirm that the #coolstuff mention that we use on OUTSIDE THE BOX as a category relates to the design efforts rather than the actual supply chain practices led by these brands.


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