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The Zuger Ökibus gets a makeover

Drin Alaj and Eliane Birchmeier, respecitively members the Municipal Council in Cham and Zug

Inhabitants of Zug have surely seen the old blue Ökibus driving around its streets and allowing them to dispose of waste they could not bring directly to the Ökihof or the various recycling stations in town.

The new Ökimobil, a joint-venture project between the cities of Zug and Cham, will start replacing it from the middle of August, following the same time schedule, collection pick-up and recycling categories as currently.

The new vehicle will have various advantages compared to the pubic-transport-looking one, including the fact that people will not have to make their way inside the bus to discard their items (while it will be easier for waste collectors to remove the bins).

For more information regarding the recycling places in Zug, refer to the Stadt's information page here.

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