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When the brain and the hair take over...


The time when I had very long hair and decided to chop it to donate it seems long ago, April 2019 to be exact. A pregnancy and its following hair fall later, I am finally growing a proper mass, which my solid shampoo bar from Comme Avant Cosmetics fully supports (let's say that when I do not have a very bad hair-day, I end up with the funniest volume ever). No trace of dye or colouring, for the first time in probably 10 years, my hair is 100% natural and healthy. Let's forget the first white hair that decided to pop this week, I take it as a sign of wisdom.

So my first idea has been to wait many months until reaching again the critical length to do another donation chop. This might last another year at least at the current growth speed.

But then I also flirted with the memories of having a nice, short cut that is manageable and that I was super happy with.

"Why is the girl talking so much about her hair", you are fully entitled to ask?

Well, I suddently fell guilty to have this haircut idea. Proper guilt of betraying the world and becoming a bad person, the same way as when I buy fast fashion, drink a Coke or do not sort my waste properly. My hair has become the most physical, personal interpretation of my sustainability choices on a daily basis.

This is probably one of the weirdest feelings I have had lately. Will the world really punish me, like a good karma b*itch, for my lack of ultimate dedication, for a haircut?!

I don't know, and I expect not. But I guess I should give me some slack sometimes. I had talked about it before, but being a sustainability professional often brings an extra load on my head and shoulders (bad hair joke, for those who got the reference), but not to the point I expected such doubts about my own will.

Have you ever experienced something like this during your sustainability journey, for something that unnecessary?

1 komentarz

Virginie Marty
Virginie Marty
24 sie 2020

Oh, la belle gosse ! 😍😘

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