Inhabitants of Zug have seen these signs pop here and there, including within the city center, in the middle of green patches that are not managed nor mowed.
After supporting the wild bees initiative, the City of Zug has decided to protect certains green areas and live them grow wild under the motto "Unser Beitrag zur Artenvielfalt - our contribution to species diversity".
The 27 hectares of open patches of nature will only be cut twice per year (mid June and September) and include also forest areas, hedges and extensive sections of green roofs, with the plan to help flowers, herbs, mushrooms, insects and animals to thrive.
Read more about the initiative in German.
The other great initiative is called the Wilder Nachbarn and has been launched throughout the country (running canton by canton).
Supported by a broad range of local associations and political organizations, the initiative is calling citizens to become active observers of the environment and report and document with pictures any sighting of wildlife in your neighbourhood. The galery shows a broad range of animals spotted already in the region, including foxes, hedgehogs, birds, lizards and more. And the intention is more than noble: one can only protect what can be seen, measured and understood.
Find Wilde Nachbarn online: